Accessory components

SFI is an integral part of a global network of partners which offer value add product and services. We select partners with a proven record of performance and references gained at global manufacturers and markets to leverage their product excellence and our close relationship with European customers and business partners. We life continuous improvement and finally it is enabling SFI and its partners to use synergies i.e. in the area of sourcing / avoidance of obsolescence.
For more information about our partners and their products please visit the following website or contact our team.



Acid | Solvent | Gas
Wet Chemistry | CMP | Lithography | DI Water
Logo cobetter


Superior® Perfluoroelastomer FFKM

Magnetic Fluid Vacuum Seal
Welded Metal Bellows
Bonded Products
Logo ekksc


Power Supplies

DC Power Supplies
Pulse Power Supplies
Custom Power Supplies
Logo Process Technology



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